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Business can always being consitent from SEO practices

Yes,consistent SEO pactices can help businessess improve their search engine optimation (SEO) and achive a variety of goals, including:

1)Increased traffic:-Fresh ,valuable content consistently added to a wwebsite can generate more traffic.

2) Better user experience:- SEO can help ensure that a website provides a consistent user experiences, which is important for boosting conversions

3) Improved Ranking:– SEO can help a business rank higher than its competitors, which can lead to more leads and potential customers.

4) High Search Volume:-Link building can increase search volume by getting quality websites to link back to a URL page.Sure, ranking high in competitive niches is the hard to do that is definitely worth the effort.Plus ,it is much more cheaper than long run paying for Google Ads.

Some best practices for SEO includes:

1)Content Creation:-Creating high -quality ,valuables and fresh content

2)Keyword Research:-Identifying keywords that are relevant to user searches.

3) Content Optimization:- Writing and presenting content in a way that search engines can understand

4)Website structure and Speed:-Optimizing the structure of a website and improving its speed that can optimized the speed of the website.

5) Mobile-friendliness :- It can ensure that a website is mobile friendly.

6)Regular maintenances:-It can ensure that a website is regularlyupdating and maintaining.

7) Link building:-It can consistently building a high quality backlinks to a websites.

8)Meta description:-Meta description and title tag are the first element that hook user to your content.They can make or break your SEO effort to ensure a reader clicks through to your websites.

9)Improve User Experience:-A good user experience allow websites visitor to engage with your content.Furthermore, its signal search engine that your websites is trustworthly, which help to improve SERP ranking.

10)Add Alt Text:- An alt text ,is a description that added to HTML code to explain what an image all about,it can also allow you to provide more context to search engine about images.

The 3(Three) important reason that SEO is important for Digital Marketing:-

If you manage to implement a successful SEO strategy ,your website will bring millions of money more or less passively! Regardless of whether you are freelancer, service provider or enterpreneur ,SEO is important strategy you shouldn’t ignore. SEO bring you many benefits but in this articles that look at the three most important ones to help to improve the growth in businessess in 2024.

1)The Volume of Daily Searches:-

It is estimately around 5.6 billion people searches are performed on Google by user across the world.However, 80% of those searches are capatured by the pages on Search Engine Optimation .These number explain that a disproportionate share of the market is dominated by the top three organics websitesin the search results.So, if your business does not appear on the first page of the google when prospects are searching for your keywords, you’re simply invisible to them.

On the otherhand , if you develop a solid strategy for optimising the ranking ofyour websites on Google result page ,you have a great chance of capturing the million ‘s share of traffic for your specific keywords, without paying a money on Ads

2)Overall Higher return on Investment in the long run:-

When you might not always be ready for paid ads, organics search result can constantly bring you a good sources of traffic across the internet.Think about it, people searching on Google want to solve a specific problems. That’s the big difference compared to social media ads .Google are actively searching for keywords what you’re building a authority upon.

When people are searching on Google ,they look for either informational or transactional content, and if your websites or blog post can solve their search intent, that cold traffic soon will enter your intended marketing funnel.

For example , if somebody is looking for a nice haircut in a nearby area, this person will be pleased to see a nearby hair salon on Google, and probably consider the top three options appearing on the first page of Google’s search result.

Sure, ranking high in competitive niches is the hard part. But learning how to do that is definitely worth the effort.Plus, it is cheaper in the long run than paying for Google Ads.

3) Good SEO content keeps traffic coming over time

Being successfull SEO is not easy. Anyone who guarantees you the first position on Google only plans to take your money. Real SEO success take time, effort and consistency.You might get demotivated after a few months of doing SEO without any noticeable results. You may stop optimizing your site because it attract too little traffic from Google. But you’re so close to the finish line that it would be a complete waste to stop right there.

As I mentioned, above,80% of users are clicking on the 1-3 result on Google’s first page. So maybe your ranking is 5th or 7th and you attract a person better than others who didn’t make it to the first page.

Don’t give up just yet!

It is more often a matter of time, or of some more small tweaks to land in the top results. When you finally succeed in ranking on search position one, you can expect to stay there, as long as you update your content every now and then.

One hidden truth nobody is talking about is the fact the pages on the top of the Google result get the most backlinks.This makes perfect sense because they also webmaster in the same niches wil tend to also link to your websites.

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